> I U M I

I U M I is selected for Aerowaves Twenty 21.
Based on the motif of an embrace, Matilda Bilberg and Jenna Hendry inquire how far apart intimacy and being private lie. Driven by a desire for closeness and connection, they carry and let themselves be carried through a journey of various sensations by attentively listening to the other‘s body and by exploring the boundary between “you” and “me”. This search for a tender equilibrium creates a fascinating intensity.

In close proximity to the audience, Matilda and Jenna take up contact with the spectators through an intimate gaze – offering them the opportunity to become aware of their own senses. In these current times of physical distancing, I U M I perfectly addresses the public’s need and desire for closeness and intimacy.
“...Intimacy requires courage because the risk is inescapable. We cannot know at the outset how the relationship will affect us. Like a chemical mixture, if one of us is changed, both of us will be. Will we grow in self-actualization, or will it destroy us? The one thing we can be certain of is that if we let ourselves fully into the relationship for good or evil, we will not come out unaffected.”
- Rollo May (The Courage to Create)
Jenna Hendry (CH) and Matilda Bilberg (SE) are two young artists who share an interest in the phenomenon that is touch in the context of dance. Both are fascinated by the potential of communication through the physical body, striving for authenticity and equality between non-performance and performance.
I U M I is the first dance piece Matilda and Jenna are presenting together.
Tour Dates
2023.09.23 IDEA Festival, Amman, Jordan
2022.03.04-06 Théâtre Sévelin 36, Lausanne (CH)
2021.05.09 TanzHaus Zürich (CH)
2020.03.11 Südpol, Luzern (CH)
2020.02.03-04 Västerås Konserthus (SE)
2019.12.19 Warsaw Dance Days, Warsaw (PL)
2019.11.30 Bauerhaus, Schaffhausen (CH)
2019.11.16,21,22,23 Fabriktheater, Rote Fabrik, Zurich (CH)
2019.11.15 Premier at Fabriktheater, Rote Fabrik, Zurich (CH)
Concept / Dance: Matilda Bilberg and Jenna Hendry
Dramaturgical advice: Sabine Haß-Zimmermann 

Music: Alex Zampini 

Lightdesign: Maria Ros 

Costume: Karen Petermann 

Photo: Jonas Bilberg

Film: Peter Kadar

Graphic design: Cadgas Cakmaktas

Coproduction: Fabriktheater Rote Fabrik Zürich

With the support of: Stadt Zürich Kultur, Fachstelle Kultur Kanton Zürich, Ernst Göhner Stiftung, Swedish Arts Grants

Residency partners: Tanztendenz Munich, Rum för Dans / Teater Halland, Tanzhaus Zurich

Thanks to: David Zambrano, Emeric Rabot
Matilda Bilberg and Jenna Hendry are collaborating under the name Jilda Bendry.
See more of their work here:
for booking request and other inquires please contact